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History of Boca Raton

History of Boca Raton

History of Boca Raton Boca Raton is a city that is located in the southeast portion of Florida, and is about 15 miles north of Fort Lauderdale on the Atlantic Ocean. It has a population of over 100,000 people and is one of the cities in Palm Beach County. Although...

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History of Jews in South Florida

History of Jews in South Florida

History of Jews in South Florida In 2018, around 7% of American Jews lived in the South Florida region which is made up of Palm Beach, Broward and Miami Dade Counties. Out of these counties, the most populous area is Palm Beach County where the Jewish population makes...

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South Beach Park

South Beach Park

South Beach Park in Boca Raton An astonishing place to enjoy the warm breeze of the sea is at the South Beach Park. One of Boca Raton's top central beaches, South Beach Park offers visitors a lovely, sandy shoreline with lots of space and lovely walks. The park has...

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The Boca Raton Beach Club

The Boca Raton Beach Club

Photo credits to The Boca Raton Beach Club The Boca Raton Beach Club Make your way to The Boca Raton Beach Club, an exquisite Waldorf Astoria Resort, for a magnificent and exclusive coastal vacation. Located in the heart of Boca Raton's finest beaches and waterfront...

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