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Annual “COCKTAILS FOR JARC” Event Raises Over $30,000
In frame: Casey & Jeremy Olsher, Sean Casper, Jill & Jaren Strasser; Annual “COCKTAILS FOR JARC” Event Raises Over $30,000 Record-breaking Night Held at Crazy Uncle Mike’s in Boca Raton Benefitted Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities...
B’nai Torah Congregation Announces High Holy Days Schedule
B’nai Torah Congregation Announces High Holy Days Schedule Musical and Spiritual, Selichot Service, which is Free and Open to the Community, Kicks off The Season on Saturday, September 17 August 30, 2022, Boca Raton, FL: B’nai Torah Congregation, the largest...
Where’s the Best Kosher BBQ in Boca Raton? Burnt
Where's the Best Kosher BBQ in Boca Raton? Burnt Burnt BBQ has been a welcome addition to Kosher dining in Boca Raton. Without a doubt Burnt is the place to go for smoked Brisket, Wings, Prime Rib, and especially ribs. Burnt is run efficiently by Chef Sam Sabol who is...
From Boca To Israel – Laura Ben David’s Aliyah Story
From Boca To Israel - Laura Ben David's Aliyah Story Renowned writer and talented photographer Laura Ben David shared her journey from Boca Raton to Israel with us, providing inspiration for others who wish to follow in her footsteps. Through her writing and...