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What Does Boca Raton Mean in Spanish
What Does Boca Raton Mean in Spanish Boca Raton is a beautiful place to live in Florida. It has many beaches and parks, as well as great shopping and restaurants. The weather is perfect year-round, making it a perfect place to retire or raise a family. However, with...
B’nai Torah Congregation Collects More Than 2,000 Cans of Tuna for Local Families in Need
“The Big Tuna” -- B’nai Torah Congregation Collects More Than 2,000 Cans of Tuna for Local Families in Need Summer Faerman, Director of B’nai Torah Congregation’s TLC program, asked her community to donate cans of tuna fish for her birthday this year, which was...
B’nai Torah Congregation to Host Sukkot Service Sunday
B’nai Torah Congregation to Host Sukkot Service Sunday, October 9 at 4:30PM Family-Friendly Event Will Feature Music, Activities, Learning Opportunities and Fun WHAT: B’nai Torah Congregation is hosting family-friendly Sukkot services this Sunday, October 9 from...
JFS Affordable Mental Health Collaboration Recognizes Senator Jones and Rep Caruso
JFS Affordable Mental Health Collaboration Recognizes Senator Jones and Rep Caruso Jewish Family Services Affordable Mental Health Collaboration Recognizes Senator Shevrin Jones and State Representative Mike Caruso for Supporting Nearly $1 Million in State Funding...