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Donna Klein Jewish Academy in Boca Raton
by Boca Raton Jewish News | Jul 18, 2022
Photo credits to Donna Klein Jewish Academy Donna Klein Jewish Academy in Boca Raton Donna Klein Jewish Academy is an innovative and inclusive school in the heart of the South Florida. They take pride in helping each child grow and learn to love the world around them....
Bais Yaakov of Boca Raton
by Boca Raton Jewish News | Jul 18, 2022
Photo credits to Bais Yaakov of Boca Bais Yaakov of Boca Raton Bais Yaakov of Boca is a Jewish Orthodox Day School for girls. Bais Yaakov of Boca has been educating Orthodox Jewish children for several years, and has a history of providing high-quality education that...
Torah Academy of Boca Raton
by Boca Raton Jewish News | Jul 18, 2022
Torah Academy of Boca Raton The Torah Academy of Boca Raton is a Jewish day school located in Boca Raton, Florida. They offer an academically rigorous curriculum that meets the needs of a diverse student body and prepares them to thrive in our increasingly complex...
Katz Hillel Day School in Boca Raton
by Boca Raton Jewish News | Jul 18, 2022
Photo credits to KHDS Boca Raton Katz Hillel Day School in Boca Raton Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton is an independent Jewish day school with a mission to provide each student with a combination of Jewish and general academics while maintaining the highest...